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East TN Tree Service Inc.


Phone (865) 806-7320
Address 1258 Topside Rd,
Louisville, TN 37777 United States


We are a full-service tree care company with several years of experience. We specialize in tree removal, tree trimming, lot clearing, etc. We also have 24/7 emergency storm damage services. We are fully licensed and insured for your peace of mind! Our team of professional arborists at East TN Tree Service Inc. has extensive experience in all aspects of tree care and maintenance including tree removal. We have the expertise and equipment needed to safely remove trees with minimal property damage. Our certified arborists will work closely with you to ensure that your needs are met while respecting your property and environment. If you need more information about our tree service in Knoxville please feel free to give our team a call, or reach out through our website.
Company Hours: 24/7
Services: Tree services. Tree trimming services, tree removal services, land clearing, land clearing, hazardous tree removal, tree health assessment, technical tree removals.

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